Highlighting Modern Architecture & Design

Thane Roberts, AIA: 2719 6th St.

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Thane Roberts, AIA: 2719 6th St.


2719 6th Street | Santa Monica, CA | 90405
Architecture by: Thane Roberts AIA
Photography by: Kevin Roberts, Sara Jane Boyers, and Martin Cox

Built 2013, 4-bedroom, 3.5-bath, 3,500 square feet

The “Meridian house” has at its center a replica of the Owner’s yacht deck on which he made a 9-year circumnavigation. The wood deck provides an indoor/outdoor zone that connects the garden and pool with the interior family spaces. The home’s intent was to facilitate his family’s connection to nature, self, family, and community- something that the Owner had experienced during his sailing voyage around the world.

The design, like on a yacht, is self-sufficient, relying on the wind and sun to cool, heat and provide most energy needs for the home. Three large “sails” suspended from the roof eaves catch the ocean breezes in summer and protect the house in winter. Upstairs, “bedrooms” have become “ship’s cabins” that leave space for flexible “ateliers” whose use can evolve along with a growing family.

Each day at ‘solar noon’, a small circle of light crosses a Meridian line on the living room floor providing the date and time at the moment when a sailor would find his position at sea. In the Meridian House one is always “on deck”, sheltered but able to enjoy the California weather at the water’s edge…. but this time in the heart of the city.





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